Add datafile into tablespace in Oracle
Most of the time due to the application’s DML operation, tablespace crosses their threshold. As everyone knows it’s a critical scenario, if we ignore/skipped adding space into tablespace it may cause the application at a hung state or the database to a hung or down.
To avoid this cause below is the query to add space(datafile) into tablespace.
Query to add datafile using file system path.
alter tablespace system add datafile '/u01/app/oracle/datafile/dbsguru10.dbf size 1024M AUTOEXTEND ON next 50M maxsize 8192M;
Query to add datafile using OMF configuration.
alter tablespace system add datafile size 1024M AUTOEXTEND ON next 50M maxsize 8192M;
Query to add datafile using ASM setup.
alter tablespace system add datafile "+DATA" size 1024M AUTOEXTEND ON next 50M maxsize 8192M;
This document is only for learning purpose and always validate in the LAB environment first before applying in the LIVE environment.
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